Saturday, March 30, 2019


Locomotive Audio makes stuff like variable-mu compressors.
This is a bass kit from It's no longer available. 

Naiant is cool.

Music and money and where it goes.

Adafruit omnidirectional mic element.

Rare Winds wind library.

Soothe is a plugin that is relevant to my interests. I tried to tell my audiologist that I was really annoyed by 2.6kHz. She, uh, wasn't interested. I noticed that some of the Greg Calbi presets in Ozone had some notches built into them, so maybe this issue with obnoxious resonances ain't just me.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The stuff of my tabs is now the stuff of this post

Speaker kits.

Low-budget indy UK werewolf picture Howl.

Bodyguard series.

Overlord is a Nazi zombie picture.

Mixcraft seems like a kind of cool DAW.

Sound effects for How to Train Your Dragon.

Auphonic will loudness-normalize your podcast or what-have-you for free (up to 2 hours a month).

University of Bristol.

Moving the Blags

I'm re-consolodating my blogs.  I know, you wanted them separate. But my little mind just doesn't work that way. All my blogging -- ...